Thursday, August 16, 2007

More news for nerds...

From Slashdot
"Researchers have released a new paper on quantum computing theorizing how to use optically controlled electrons to make an ultrafast quantum computer. From the article, 'Scientists have designed a scheme to create one of the fastest quantum computers to date using light pulses to rotate electron spins, which serve as quantum bits. This technique improves the overall clock rate of the quantum computer, which could lead to the fastest potentially scalable quantum computing scheme of which the scientists are aware.'"

This seems like a fairly dubious honor. Seeing as scientists have yet to make quantum computer that can do more than factor the number 6, it seems silly to give credit to a person who has theorized the fastest quantum computer. That's like having a debate with Mr. Gubbins that goes something like this.

SP: I have an idea. What if we could make a toaster oven that also could spontaneously rearrange matter. For instance, we could use lasers or something to turn a banana into a 1984 Delorean.
Gubbins: Yeah, but what if the toaster could also play music from local radio stations.
SP: Wow. Your theoretical toaster is better than mine. I acquiesce.

1 comment:

Ole said...

Damn right you TT is the SN. (i.e. shiznit)

-Mr. Gubbins