Thursday, August 09, 2007

is all that we see or seem...

My dream last night:

I was a paraplegic Billy D. Williams fighting a group of Satan worshippers, posing as a travelling ultimate frisbee team. The Satan worshippers were stealing fetuses and burying them near the stands of the ultimate frisbee fields. I caught the lead worshipper and killed him using a mining pick.
Then I was in a large convention that turned out to be a very odd game of football in which both sides continually changed costume. At one point my dad and stepmom were dressed as klingons and i was in a barbershop quartet with joe uphoff, chris foot, and who i think was kevin leville.

Don't ask me, I have no freaking clue.



Anonymous said...


Alex said...

That's messed up man. Except for the part about the quartet. I'm guessing that will happen some day.
