Friday, August 03, 2007

This is not a good idea...

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"Robots have been roaming Iraq, since shortly after the war began. Now, for the first time — the first time in any war zone — the 'bots are carrying guns. The SWORDS robots, armed with M249 machine guns, "haven't fired their weapons yet," an Army official says. "But that'll be happening soon." The machines have actually been ready for a while, but safety concerns kept them off the battlefield. Now, the robots have kill switches, so "now we can kill the unit if it goes crazy," according to the Army. I feel safer already."

Have we learned NOTHING from the Terminator movies? Or 2001: A Space Odyssey? Or Short Circuit? wait...that one ended o.k., but other than that you're just begging for a robot rebellion. I mean, I don't know about you guys, but I don't want to be put into a vat of purple ooze and used as a biological battery or hunted for sport by mechanical overlords...laughing with those horrible tinny voices, laughter like the sound metal scraping against metal, their expression of joy not unlike a low speed car crash.

What do you think, my friends? Are you ready to join me in the resistance!



Ole said...
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Ole said...

I dunno--its doesn't look that scary:

Maybe its must misunderstood?

sprocketplug said...

Yeah, you really just want to cuddle with it.

Anonymous said...

i love the ubiquitous american flag on the robot. go america. we don't even kill each other by ourselves now, we have robots doing it for us. it's like talking into a microphone box to order my megasized fries and 12 pound quintuple cheese burger in the styrofoam container that i toss out the window while driving in my 2 gallon per mile pink cadalac convertible with whale skin hubcaps and baby seal eyes for headlights. where's the humanity? i hate that f-in box!!! i mean, common, what about that warm fuzzy feeling our soldiers get when they gun down that civilian that may or may not be carrying explosives? i fear for the absense of the personal touch of warfare. i'd much rather be gunned down by some commie krout that's at least human than Johnny Five's evil twin on steroids.

but at least we could all rest peacefully at night knowing the people dying are infact not ours and that we have yet another facet to add to our military industrial complex further driving our need for pointless unprovoked war whist we watch re-runs of M*A*S*H* and think how hilarious war must have been.