Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Lynne and I agree, blogs are an odd thing.
What does one write in a blog? Do I tell you the details of my day? Do you care about those details? Do I use this as a sounding board for my deepest thoughts and darkest desires? How personal can one get on a blog?
So, I hesitate to start down this slippery slope of blogdom.
But the fact remains, I came here. I signed up for a blog. I was sent for. We'll see how this develops.


Alex said...

we need pictures!! :-) Nice of you to join the world of Blogdom, Pete!! Now I have yet another bookmarked page to visit as I procrastinate - goodie! Friends' lives are so much more interesting than cooking soup for supper :-)


Jessica said...

I'm afraid I can't compete with alex's comment. But welcome to blogland :-)

sprocketplug said...

Hey Dudes,

Thanks for writing comments. but who is "The `gwein" and why does he/she want to see me naked? Hmmm, well, I guess what the audience demands, the audience shall receive.


Anonymous said...

Hey baby, good of you to join us!


Anonymous said...

I think that good blogs would demand similar characteristics as a good story. Good stories hardly ever deal with the mundane. And really nice people with nice lives hardly ever have them. Finding lost socks, or the cute things a cat did, never make good storeis. It is when hookers, fireworks, rum, and mexican prison all get all mixed together with a generous helping of stupidity and naive invincibility. I think you have what it takes to be a godd blogger. As God and Andy as my witness, I pledge my full support in making your life blog worthy.


Anonymous said...

I like that picture of you on the beach, Petey!