Sunday, January 29, 2006

Beautiful Friends

My weekend with Jen and Erik was...quite remarkable. We had some beautiful weather which was conducive to walking, tossing the disc, and lounging. We witnessed a heated argument about fair trade coffee between two employees of a local java-hut called Brennen's. We saw the epitome of "condemned building" and were scared away by creepy noises coming from behind a closed door. We then ate at a local mafia run restaurant wherein the owner/cook exposed himself to our entire party.
This morning we ate at Jack and Benny's, and then the lovebirds flew my proverbial coop.

Here's a candid pic of the two on the beautiful OSU oval.

Thanks for coming down, guys!


Anonymous said...

It was so good to see you, Peterli. I've missed you. We'll have to do this again sometime really soon.

Ole said...


Just wanted to say, 'Hey.' And that I think the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny is pretty sweet...Go Mr. R. (I actually nearly cried when I heard he had died) I'll call you soon. Until then...