Thursday, January 05, 2006

With wings on his feet

James is coming to visit!!!!!!
He'll arrive today, at 8:30pm Eastern Time. This will mark the second occassion that James has blessed me (and Ohio) with his presence. What a guy!
Leave a comment for James and let him know how amazing he is...or send a cash donation to:

Give James a New BMW
c/o Peter Sprangers
555 Harley Drive #1
Columbus, OH 43202

Oh, and good luck to Andy who will be spending the rest of January in South Africa! You gotta love that kid.



Anonymous said...

*shakes head slowly and smiles* I never thought I'd see the day.... Welcome to the Blogland.
I hope you and James have a "time"-mm?

Oh, and major kudos on FF7.


PS- Because I know I won't remember to ask- Did you toss my plant? The one in the kitchen? I assume you did, which is fine, but if you haven't- Erin said she might want it. Either way - no big deal.

sprocketplug said...

Hey Freckles,

The plant has returned to the earth whence it came. Thus the great circle of life continues.


Anonymous said...

hi james. i heard you like frisbees. maybe one day we could "toss" a "disc" around sometime. that might be fun.

hi pete. *kicking pete in groin* have a great day.
