Sunday, July 12, 2009

Just a "come on" from the whores on 7th avenue

Tomorrow I turn my steering wheel towards Columbus, Ohio.
I used to make the drive from C-bus to St. Paul in one fell swoop, but as I've grown older and possibly wiser, I've decided to take it in two fell swoops. So I'll be staying in Bloomington, IL for a night and then landing in Glenn Ave. on Tuesday.

Things I miss about home:
My Xbox (two weeks worth of downloadable Rockband Content to peruse)
My bed (although those bastards at Howards Inn in Madison still haven't called me back to tell me they found my pillow)
My girlfriend (no, leave the glasses on, they get me hot)
My grocery store (I know exactly where they keep the dr. pepper)
My motorcycle (freedom on two wheels)

I'd like to give a huge shout-out to Mr. & Mrs. Gubbins for so graciously hosting me this past week plus. Also a big thanks to Gubbins Jr. for teaching me the true spirit of christmas.

SP out

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