Thursday, July 23, 2009

home is where the Xbox is

So it's been a great week in Columbus, OH. I've been living a life of leisure, playing videogames, watching movies, and reading two great books: The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins and The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles by Haruki Murakami.

The Xbox games that own my life right now:

Rainbow 6: Las Vegas 2
Burnout Paradise

Between those and assimilating the arguments against intelligent design, I've been pretty "busy."
Can I just say, here and now, that Evolution is one of the most brilliant discoveries in the history of mankind.

1 comment:

My Gamer Diary said...

Ahoy there fellow Xbox gamer :) Luckily for you, you're playing multiple titles at the moment. Me on the other hand... well I'm stuck on the last mission of GTAIV.

I see you've listed Crackdown... hmmm, I've always wanted to try it and with the current price I might just do that.