Friday, April 25, 2008

More from Slashdot

Josh Fink brings us a CNN story discussing evidence found by researchers which indicates that humans came close to extinction roughly 70,000 years ago. A similar study by Stanford scientists suggests that droughts reduced the population to as few as 2,000 humans, who were scattered in small, isolated groups.


And then they all came together for the largest Orgy this planet has ever seen. They saved the species from extinction and had a super fun time doing it.



Anonymous said...

I wasn't a fan of the preemptive strike in Iraq, but here's a preemptive strike I can get behind: mass orgies to ensure we don't need to repopulate.

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows this isn't true.

My friend Dan Bern explains the truth:

How explain fax machines?
How else explain computer enhancement?
How else explain fiber optics?
How else explain Mozart?

We do not belong here
This planet was a terrarium
Intergalactic broken home
Have to go outer space
And one day find our Daddy

How else explain pay at the pump?
How else explain limited access freeways?
How else explain digital remastering?
Plastic flowers, linoleum, beefalo, Michael Jordan?
That looks to the stars

We do not belong here
This planet was a terrarium
Seven billion bastards
Screaming for our Daddy

Aliens came and fucked the monkey
They fucked the monkey
Aliens came and fucked the monkey
They fucked the monkey
Aliens came and fucked the monkey
They fucked the monkey

sprocketplug said...

Well played, Pecho.