Friday, May 02, 2008

Wow. Just wow.

I don't know if y'all follow 30 Rock, but it's gotta be one of my all time favorite television programs. I don't actually get television reception, but I watch them on Last week's episode is utter brilliance. It's especially delightful if you've seen the movie Amadeus.

Check it out if you have a little time:

I'm gonna watch it again. hmmm hmmm funny.


Anonymous said...

hey so i'm not so much into 30 Rock because i was a huge fan of Studio 60, aaron sorkin's drama post-west wing and based on SNL, which was cancelled after a year. S60 had a great story line and took jabs at the right wing crazies and took on current issues, ala west wing but in SNL form. 30 rock, at the same time, i just felt didn't match up and i thought was a cheap knock off. now, i just hold a grudge and refuse to give it a try. i'm not usually one to hold a grudge (stupid judy bender) but in this case, i will break my rule . . .

hey, you open for CC3 tomorrow night?

Anonymous said...

I really hope you saw last week's episode. Fantastic caricature of the last throes of the Bush Administration. My favorite part: "No, there's no leak. I can show you the studies."