Thursday, October 18, 2007

Why I'm a bad professor....part 2...

Student writes:

Would you say that the problems that we did on Wednesday are about the same difficulty and type as the ones on the exam?


I respond:

The review on Wednesday was a subtle machination to lull you into a false sense of security. The actual exam will cover such topics as: 16th Century French politics, the efficacy of NSAIDs after anthroscopic surgery, and the life and times of Mannie Davis, director of the 1956 cartoon Heckel and Jeckel.



I'm a dick.


Anonymous said...

remind me not to attend the ohio state university during your tenure. is anthroscopic surgery anything similar to how the various human races respond differently to NSAIDs as a treatment for surgery? i can see why they would be worried. or are you meaning arthroscopic surgery in which a surgeon can look into your joint with a small camera?

Anonymous said...

I wish I didn't work for the public school system... the emails I'd get from parents if I said that to a 9th grader... Then again, the 9th grader probably wouldn't comprehend the beauty of the comment... *sigh* maybe I should become a professor.

PS The url will ask for a log in: user = mercedes pass = margaret Again, stupid 9th graders...