Friday, October 26, 2007

I can see a trend...

Should this blog become a repository for all the wacky stuff that I encounter whilst teaching? Perhaps.
Exhibit A: an email I received last night from a student I had about 2 years ago.
I've copied the email below but I've X'd out the student's name...keep in mind everything between the lines is one email.

Dear.Peter Sprangers

This is XXXXX who was your student at 2006, spring.
I think you are still teaching stat 135. Right??
I transfered to another school, far away from OSU.
I want to transfer stat 135 to my current school. But this school require me to bring stat135 syllabus. I checked online, but I can just see the "basic syllabus". But, I need to see detail.

Dear, peter..
I am so sorry for asking this kind of thing to you.
But I need your help. You are only one who can save my life.
Could you send me e-mail with stat 135 syllabus attached??
Please..I do not want to take stat class again. It was so horrible,,difficult.. me out..
Thank you very much.

Have a good day.

Awesome. So I send the student a copy of our current syllabus, a feat which takes me approximately 3 and a half minutes. Her response:

Thank you for kindness.
I appreciate..
Have a good weekend.
God bless you~

Me, saving lives since 2005. Sprocketplug out.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Why I'm a bad professor....part 2...

Student writes:

Would you say that the problems that we did on Wednesday are about the same difficulty and type as the ones on the exam?


I respond:

The review on Wednesday was a subtle machination to lull you into a false sense of security. The actual exam will cover such topics as: 16th Century French politics, the efficacy of NSAIDs after anthroscopic surgery, and the life and times of Mannie Davis, director of the 1956 cartoon Heckel and Jeckel.



I'm a dick.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Why I'm a bad professor...

Me: this pdf is defined for values of theta between 0 and positive infinity.

Student: Why can't theta be negative?

Me: Because that would cause a collision between time and anti-time resulting in the obliteration of our universe.

Student: ...

Me: Moving on. The expected value of this pdf....

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Where have I been?

A whole month without posting???? I bet you're dying to know what I've been doing. Three words: human animal hybrids.

Using advanced statistical modeling and lasers I have done the impossible. Stay tuned for more information.

Also, if anyone has been watching Fox news it looks like they're gearing up to support a war with Iran. I, myself, think middle east wars are becoming a bit passé, but what do I know.

Safe journey spacefans, wherever you are.