Tuesday, April 18, 2006

best website ever


My friend Bernhard (a.k.a. The German) sent me this from Deutschland.


Sooo cool.


Anonymous said...

Dude, that rules. I'm even more humbled by your greatness than usual. Erik also says that he wants to do you right this second. And me too.

Anonymous said...

who can i pay to be my friend and make me a site like that?

Anonymous said...

woah, i wasn't implying that you paid someone to be your friend. make no mistake. i currently am paying you to be your friend. in fact, i'm upping my fee as we speak. i now will pay you 3 times what you pay me to be your attorney. sound fair.

sprocketplug said...


As my attorney i advise you to run for president.

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about this great site all night. Tell your friend he's got a major fangirl in Ann Arbor.

a&e said...

done. you get the ambassadorship of your choice!