Sunday, February 05, 2006

Intelligent Design Revisited

Ole was gone for a month and I think his comment was consumed by the vicious Jabberwocky that is time. here was his reply to my post on Intelligent Design. It's so good I wanted you all to get a chance to see it.

Ole said...

Sorry. Coming to this a little one may ever even find it!

Oh well.

I agree that faith (and here I speak not generically but of what I
would refer to as my religious faith) necessarily involves
irrationality and intangibility, but my experience of it is not as a
state of persistent or willful ignorance, of grasping on to a set of
tenets in the face of all logic to the contrary. (Though I do not deny
that it is this way for many)

Instead, I find faith a far more complex mixture of the rational and
the irrational, of the tangible and the intangible. It is a means of
making sense of the world that tries to feel beyond what it is we see,
hear, taste, touch and smell but a means that should NEVER ignore what
we sense.

For me, faith is s tension between feeling and being felt, grasping
and being grasped, holding and being held. Never is it merely a willed
act--something one undertakes as a personal project. As in "I will
have faith!" It is undertaken in community, as people (not person).
And because its matrix is the relationships between people, it does
not fall victim to 'god-of-the-gaps' reduction, because the capacity
for human interrelationship within and between communities (given our
extraordinary individual uniqueness) seems quite endless.

Unless of course we all came into existence a few minutes ago--or
that we are all merely figments of pete's imagination...

I think I subscribe to the "we are all part of Pete's imagination" school of thought.

Thanks for the comment, Ole. As always, your insights are valued like rain on Arrakis.

1 comment:

Ole said...

Thanks Plug. You're a pal. (And a great dancer...)