Tuesday, February 07, 2006

39 hours and counting....

I need sleep. The fact is undeniable. The evidence is irrefragable. The want is inconceivable.

But still I have unfinished work...and miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep.



Ole said...

Robert, did you get any sleep yet?

Anonymous said...

Reminded me of the cummings poem:

"now is a ship

which captain am
sails out of sleep

steering for dream"

This is why I love ee cummings- You either read it once and then sit back to go "yeah..." or you read it twenty times before it begins to make sense. Anyway, hope all went well, Sport.

sprocketplug said...

I slept last night. Deep, dreamless sleep. When my alarm went off it was like I was being pulled from the bottom of dark lake.
I'm gonna hit the sack right now and get 8-9 luscious hours of shut-eye.

Ole- you rock my face off.

sm- remember the poem "she being brand new"? i love that one

Ole said...

Thanks, buddy...your praise is always so flattering...and consequently a little stiff was i

a&e said...

hey pecho man, remember back in the good ol' days in el when we could stay up all night writing papers which referenced the same paper we were currently writing . . . those days are gone, my friend. sleep is all too necessary and inevitable.

you da king, petey.

sprocketplug said...

Dude. that was the greatest paper ever written by anyone at any point in the history of the universe. And that's an understatement.