Sunday, February 12, 2006

Alligators in fishbowls of liquor


We (and by we I mean I) just got back from the bars (and by bars I mean bar). We drank multicolored liquors out of fishbowls. we got to keep the alligators floating in the fishbowls. the bar is called the Ugly Tuna Saloona. fun name.
I called Falconer. Falconer, lemme know what you thought of my voicemail.

Um....i think that's it. they didn't play the electric slide even though I asked the DJ and he nodded appreciatively.

Jessica's friend Elizabeth was here from Washington, DC. which reminds me...why did they name a state Washington. Now we always have to say "Washington state...." that's a real drag. why couldn't they have picked some other name. I mean, it's not like it's too hard to name a state. Anyone can name one. Just call something. New York...or New Jersey. As long as there's an old one you can have a new one. who's with me?????

also, let me go on the record that I, too, am against human-animal hybrids.

Unless you can make a sexy woman look like a jungle cat. Like...oh...i don't know...CHEETARA!!!!. Lemme find a picture for you guys...

sooooo hot

she was my first love, you know.


Ole said...

If human-animal hybrids are Cheetara-hot, then I revoke my previous opinions on the subject.

This way I don't have to agree with the president about ANYTHING.

Whew...there's a load off.

Anonymous said...

Back of Pete, I saw her first.

sprocketplug said...

fair enough, Ton. But then I get the chick who was the pink lion in Voltron.

Anonymous said...

Raising Awareness about Human-Animal Hybrids:

a&e said...

thanks for the message, petey. feel free to call anytime. let me recap what i thought i heard:

something about a spanish cat . . . and lots of other incoherent females/stuff. and that you are a player.

good times, my friend. please come back to MN.