Sunday, August 16, 2009

More cowbell than you can handle

Free Energy Music Video

I'm sorry, my little linux powered netbook doesn't want to let me ebed the video. Therefore, follow the link to watch my big brother's first official music video. I'm so proud of him and I want to you all to feast your ears on this carpe diem anthem of love.

I promise I won't forget any of you once I ride my brother's coattails to rock-star nirvana.


The Fighting Librarian said...

I think we all know that Clementine is the real rock star in the house.

Unknown said...

great video, paul (if you are reading this as you stave off the hoards of fans)!!

Alli said...

I didn't know your brother was in Hockey Night or now Free Energy! I heard about them on the Current the other day and thought the music was great, so I don't blame you for riding on his coattails, I'm sure it will be a long ride! :)
Pretty Sweet!

M. Sheldon said...

I'm no music aficionado, but I like their sound & style. Good music, good lyrics. What more can you ask for? Way to have a talented brother. :-)