Thursday, August 06, 2009

mama said knock you out

*whew* I just completed the first segment of Riddick. As insanely difficult as it was, it did a lot of things really well. The game did some beautiful things with light and shadow, there were also some genuinely funny moments.
Such as when you acquire a giant mechanized walker called the "heavy guard." You become a juggernaut of gatling weilding rocket launching fury. The armor talks to you during the segment giving advice to the "pilot" in a deep roboty voice.
armor: "Battle Analysis: Walk over smaller organic targets to conserve ammunition"
"Battle Analysis: Pilot should read instruction manual before operating Heavy Guard."
At the very end of these often hilarious recommendations you get
"Battle Analysis: Pilot should turn off auto Battle Analysis suggestions."

Kudos to you, oh creators of Escape from Butcher Bay. Now, on to the second (and final) portion: Assault on Dark Athena.

Something has been on my mind recently. What's up with the expression "You can't have your cake and eat it too." ?
I mean, I think I understand the meaning. It means one action is mutually exclusive of the other and both are equally desirable. You have to make a choice, you can either have your cake, or you can eat your cake, but you cannot do both. So this begs the question, who the hell wants to have some cake, but not eat it? I mean, do people really sit at the kitchen table with a huge slice of chocolate cake (presumably with a tall glass of milk) and debate this?

Inner monologue:

Hmmmm, this looks like delicious cake, I can't wait to eat it. But wait! If I eat the cake then I can't have the cake. Oh no! I am at an impasse since I do so enjoy simply possessing this piece of cake. Oh God why have you forsaken me?!?!?

I doubt it. So it seems like the only reason one would get cake would be to eat it. Right? So these two actions are not equally desirable, at least for me. There might be some weird cake hoarding fetishers out there, at which point the actions become unbalanced but in the other direction.

Can somebody please suggest an alternative to this phrase? Something like, you can't go out with a girl and sleep with her sister at the same time.

Anyway, we all know that the cake is a lie.


pechito said...

or, "you can't have that box of shotgun shells and fire them off too." dating a girl and sleeping with her sister at the same time could happen. depends on the definition of dating. maybe it's an open relationship. maybe you're not honest about your intentions. maybe they're twins and cool with it. many permutations, here.

anyway, i think there's more ammo hoarders out there than cake hoarders or odd sister behind sister back action going on. obama is going to take away all our guns, you know. time to stock up.

Ole said...

I'd like to 'have' a piece of cake so that I can taunt you with it. Does that count?