Friday, September 19, 2008

New for Autumn!

I'm adding this to all my syllabi

Zombies: Should the zombie apocalypse occur during this quarter, all students will be excused from attending class.



Anonymous said...

I've recently determined that I've basically no chance of surviving either a zombie apocolypse or a nuclear holocaust. I'm not sure whether to be glad or disappointed about this.

sprocketplug said...

oh no, Jen. You're definitely one of the people I'm going to save to live on my colorado ranch/zombie resistant fortress.

Anonymous said...

Really? Aw, that's awesome! Weirdly, I had another offer for -- well, not saving, but post-apocolypse shelter and community -- from someone else last night. Evidently this is what happens when you start mentioning apocolypses to people.

Also, I'll call you soon to talk about visiting.

The Fighting Librarian said...
