Sunday, September 14, 2008

...and the world spins madly on.

I believe in imagination, the hopeless romantic, the quixotic hero, the villain with the handlebar mustache, and honeycrisp apples. I believe King Arthur was real, I believe there is life on other planets, I believe there is life on this planet. I believe in the
smooth, straight flight of a monster backhand huck into the endzone. I believe that America should adopt the metric system, cover the roadways with solar panels and send a human to mars. I believe in the perseverance of the human spirit, the undeniable power of a brilliant idea, and that everyone looks beautiful by candlelight. I believe in fantasies, heartache, and that moment before climax when the world stands absolutely still.

Your turn.


Anonymous said...

I believe in loud music after midnight, odd numbers, and that anything is more fun if you do it while its raining. I believe that to be artistic in everything you do takes a lot of nerve, but can be blissfully rewarding. I believe in stale gummy bears, blank pages of paper, and old-school mixed tapes made for someone that you only met a week ago. I believe in pure, simple love; I believe that flirting should be mandatory, and that laughter is an essential part of life. I believe in women, I believe in men, and I believe that someday, they'll almost be on the same page. I believe in the epic tale written across the face of a lover who is about to begin his quest. I believe in the importance of honesty, the true meaning of the word 'friend' and that there are most definitely things worth doing that are easy.

Anonymous said...

So lovely. You inspired me to write my own post on the subject.

I'll call soon.