Friday, April 25, 2008

More from Slashdot

Josh Fink brings us a CNN story discussing evidence found by researchers which indicates that humans came close to extinction roughly 70,000 years ago. A similar study by Stanford scientists suggests that droughts reduced the population to as few as 2,000 humans, who were scattered in small, isolated groups.


And then they all came together for the largest Orgy this planet has ever seen. They saved the species from extinction and had a super fun time doing it.


Monday, April 21, 2008

this is FUN!

More random quotes from sent emails spanning from april 2006 to 2007

This sucks.

I hate SAS.

If ever I encounter one of the original writers of this god forsaken program, I shall strike him/her in the genitals with a car antenna. after said strike, I shall hurl invective upon his/her writhing personage until such a time as my ire is sated.

It's not possible to completely randomize 5 mops with four people. It's good that you're accounting for order, though. There's some psychological effect: primacy and...something else... where people remember best and prefer most the thing that they saw first or last. It would be fun to give them the same mop twice and see if they give it different scores.

I'm Peter Sprangers and I endorse this message

Dude. That is totally whack. And by "whack" i mean stupid.

I have been soooo sick the past couple of days. I thought I was on my death bed. I saw Jesus. he told me that abstinence only programs are the work of the devil. then he told me to smoke pot. I love Jesus. Don't judge me!

Lauren, were you a single woman I would take you in a manly fashion.

I'm a heretic!!!!

sweet quiz.

i'm also lustful. could have fooled me.

...i'm fine, but for some burns on my leg making it hard for me to walk around...

Sure thing. Welcome to the P-Hat Allstars.

You'll not take my power without a coup de etat!

I need you to love me unconditionally for the rest of my life.

I love this bike more than my own penis.


This is for the afternoon we lay in the leaves
After it had been winter for half a year,
And I kissed you and unbuttoned your jeans
And touched you and made you smile, my dear.
And of all the good things that love means,
One of them is to touch you there
And make you smile, among the leaves,
And feel your wetness and your sweet short hair,
And kiss your breasts and put my tongue
Into the delirium between your soft pale thighs,
Because the winter has been much too long
And soon will come again, when this love dies.
I will hear sermons preached, and some of them be true,
But I will not regret that afternoon with you.

C.B. Trail

Cleaning out the closet

I was looking through my "sent mail" folder and I came across this email I sent April 15, 2006. Subject: you're my wonderwall

I think Oasis really had it going on. I mean, their name brings the image of a watery sanctuary in a cruel and uncaring desert like deserty thing. And then their song Wonderwall, I mean, it's brilliant. What is a wonderwall? What does it taste like? Do people put it in their pockets? Maybe you put pockets in wonderwalls.
"I said 'maybe, you're gonna be the one to save me.' afterall you're my


good luck looking for your easter basket. my first guess would be to check the small tear in the space time continuum behind the couch. your mom created it late last fall and she's been dying to use it for something. be careful, though, you might reach in and pull out the 19th century. and i mean, where are you going to put a 19th century. there's no more room left in my closet and you don't own a big enough purse.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

What did I Fu**ing SAY?????

Referring to Previous post

opencity writes
"The Register reports that the (perhaps inevitable) robot rebellion has been avoided ... for now. 'Ground-crawling US war robots armed with machine guns, deployed to fight in Iraq last year, reportedly turned on their fleshy masters almost at once. The rebellious machine warriors have been retired from combat pending upgrades.' Gizmodo also has a good photo."

Why can't we just make sexbots like everyone wants. We don't want robots that will fight, we want robots that will love.
See also: XKCD

Monday, April 07, 2008


Do not surrender your grief so quickly
Let it cut more deeply
Let it ferment and season you
As few human or divine ingredients can

Something is missing in my heart tonight
That has made made my eyes so soft
And my voice so tender
And my need of God so absolutely clear.
