Sunday, March 23, 2008

I have been weighed, I have been measured...

I got my student evaluations back from last quarter and I've decided to show you some of the more entertaining comments. They were, on the whole, quite good, but these stood out:

What do you see as strengths of the instructor?

Funniest man alive
Well groomed beard
extreme cuteness
he actually did a good job…
being awesome
his arms

What do you see as areas of improvement for the instructor?

Overused 80’s cartoon references
bad handwriting
remember to take rats out of your pockets
taste in music
a little scatterbrained at times
consider removing facial hair
Peter has no weaknesses
not going on so many rabbit trails
some examples are too far fetched, e.g. Ninjas and shurikens???


Anonymous said...

way to outperform expectations, as with the "he actually did a good job!! i like that one best.

i'd say your weaknesses are that you are unfortunately not santa and didn't give me a shelby mustang for christmas last year.

your plusses are that, dude, you can take a groin kick like no other!!

Anonymous said...

Dude, have you been watching Knight's Tale? Because I am in love with that movie and Paul Bettany and Wash (what's his real name -- Turk? Turin? Something like that) and Heath Ledger. And signing "we will rock you" at a jousting tournament.

sprocketplug said...

OMG, a Knight's Tale is one of my most favorite movies. Alan Tudyk is the guy you're thinking of. I like the dance where they play that bowie song. So good.

Thanks, pech. I'll be sending you comics soon.

Anonymous said...

YES! Another reason to love you excessively. This weekend we can get tipsy and force Erik to watch it with us. :o) It'll be great.

Also: mmm, Alan Tudyk. Love. I'm so pissed they killed him off in Serenity. Bitches.