Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Christopher Moore!

I wrote Christopher Moore an email and I got a response about 1.5 minutes later:


Thanks for the nice note. I'm glad the books are working for you. I'll try to keep
them coming. Right now I'm working on a comedy set in Medieval England. Beyond that,
who knows? I should finish the new one today. (cross your fingers)

Happy Reading,

>Hi Christopher,
>I just wanted to write to say thanks for all the wonderful books. I just
>started reading your novels and I have to admit you're the funniest
>son-of-a-bitch I've ever read. Thanks again, and please keep them coming.


Was that a stock reply? I don't think so. I'm tickled that he actually read my email.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congrats on getting a response. i once wrote to my childhood hero, bill waterson, and have yet to receive a response. i assume he's too busy stock piling 10 years of new Calvin and Hobbes cartoons to go into publication soon . . . right? . . . right? . . . right?