Sunday, March 23, 2008

I have been weighed, I have been measured...

I got my student evaluations back from last quarter and I've decided to show you some of the more entertaining comments. They were, on the whole, quite good, but these stood out:

What do you see as strengths of the instructor?

Funniest man alive
Well groomed beard
extreme cuteness
he actually did a good job…
being awesome
his arms

What do you see as areas of improvement for the instructor?

Overused 80’s cartoon references
bad handwriting
remember to take rats out of your pockets
taste in music
a little scatterbrained at times
consider removing facial hair
Peter has no weaknesses
not going on so many rabbit trails
some examples are too far fetched, e.g. Ninjas and shurikens???

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Sunday, March 16, 2008

south of the mason dixon

I made it to Florida after 12 hours of travel. Tornados in Atlanta, fog is Columbus, and our plane was attacked by gremlins that live in the clouds. I've been flying for probably 20 years and I've never been scared while up in the wild blue yonder, but friends I was shakin' in my boots on the flight from c-bus to atlanta. Ah, well, I've arrived safe and sound. Now my week will be devoted to hanging out with the padre, drinking beers by the pool, and catching up on some reading. Has anyone read Doris Lessing? I picked up the Golden Notebook and I'm interested to see what she has to say.

I'm also half way through Hitchins' God is not Great. I'll have more to say on that later, but it's decent. I think there's a fundamental flaw in saying "Religion Poisons Everything" in as much as it is to say "Christians hate Black people." There are obviously sects or factions that are extremist but blanket statements rarely convey the truth. As Obi Wan once said "only the Sith deal in absolutes."

Hope y'all get a chance to break for spring.


Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Christopher Moore!

I wrote Christopher Moore an email and I got a response about 1.5 minutes later:


Thanks for the nice note. I'm glad the books are working for you. I'll try to keep
them coming. Right now I'm working on a comedy set in Medieval England. Beyond that,
who knows? I should finish the new one today. (cross your fingers)

Happy Reading,

>Hi Christopher,
>I just wanted to write to say thanks for all the wonderful books. I just
>started reading your novels and I have to admit you're the funniest
>son-of-a-bitch I've ever read. Thanks again, and please keep them coming.


Was that a stock reply? I don't think so. I'm tickled that he actually read my email.