Monday, January 29, 2007


Hi Everyone! First of, let me say that I love you all. Second of all let me say that I baked a chocolate pie (pictured below).

Third, and last of all, let me show you a picture of my car. It's a ford focus zx5. I love her. She takes me all the way. I'm thinking about naming her Evelyn (Evie for short). Any ideas for alternative names?

I still haven't named my motorcycle.


Anonymous said...


sprocketplug said...

That's f****** perfect! For the motorcycle, though. One hesitation, is it perfect enough to shed the "means of transportation should have female names"?

Anonymous said...

shadowjack for the motercycle for sure. did shadowjack have a female friend/counterpart to which the car's name could be attribted?

Anonymous said...

Well, Evelyn is pretty close to ShadowJack's companion. Anyway, not ALL modes of transportation need female names. My car's a girl, but she has a neuter name (Duck).

sprocketplug said...

it's funny that you mention that, because right afte I replied to Eddie's post i realized that I was thinking about naming my bike Evene. Evene was Jack' girlfriend/wife/person he has entranced in a powerful spell wrought by Kolywania the key that was lost.

Anonymous said...

I think Evene or Evelyn or Evie would be better for the car and Shadowjack for the bike. The bike is fast, it's small, it slips into corners stealthily.

Also, love the definition of Evene. :o)

Anonymous said...

shadowjack is also great for a bike that decides to throw one over the handle bars, burn one's leg on the manifold, and produce a rather humorous blog. just what zelazny had in mind, for sure.