Sunday, January 07, 2007


Well, the holidays have come and gone. I started my new job working as a lecturer at Columbus State Community College ( It's going really well so far. I like teaching. I'd like to thank all my buddies who housed, fed, and entertained me in MN. In particular thanks to mr. and mrs. Fast Eddie and mr. and mrs. Gubbins.

Peace and Love



Anonymous said...

You look sad. The holidays are about being happy. And loving Jesus. Be happy, damn you!

Jessica said...

looks like this reindeer was run over by a grandma...or something :)

Alex said...

Looks to me like you didn't get to play enough video games that day.


Anonymous said...

yeah, remember, jebus is the [only] reason for the season. every time you flick someone off, baby jebus cries.

Anonymous said...

Peeeeteerrrr. Thees ees your conscience, Peeeeteerrrr. You should veeseet Ann Arborrr; veeseet Ann Arbor soooon, Peeeeterrrr.

Anonymous said...

raging party for superbowl in mn, dude. you should make the trip. i'll make it worth your trip . . .