Thursday, August 17, 2006


I leave tomorrow to attend (and be an usher in) Annie Rissman and Andrew Pezalla's wedding. It is looking to be an absolutely fantastic time.
I love weddings. Everyone looks so good, and everyone is so happy. People dance, drink, and carouse to their heart's content.
Maybe I'll get married some day. Is everyone free next Thursday?

O.k. I'll get married next Thursday. Mr. Gubbins, you bring the beer. Fast Eddie, you bring the chips...and my bride.


Anonymous said...

I'll bring the Checkers, Peter. ...I can still bring the Checkers, can't I!?!?!?

Jessica said...

What do I get to bring to the wedding???

Ole said...

Beer. Check.

sprocketplug said...

jessica should bring those little party popper things. you know, those little cup shaped things with the strings. and when you pull the string, it shoots out confetti. those are awesome.
thanks jessica.

Jessica said...

Awesome. I can totally bring small explosive devices that shoot confetti :).