Thursday, August 03, 2006


I just finished the novel Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. Lemme tell you, it was wonderful. At times it felt a bit...sloppy...but most of it was a ripping good read. Gaiman has a real gift for character writing. He also has an amazing ability to paint his fantastic worlds.

I first heard of Gaiman after watching the movie Mirrormask.

I watched this with Melissa and we both liked it so much we watched all the special features. it is there that we met neil in all his scruffy glory. he is best known for his Sandman graphic novels (i just ordered a couple off of amazon) and his handful of novels. he has received much praise from his peers and good reviews from the critics. anyway, if you're in the mood for a fun, exciting, and stunning novel or movie pick up mirrormask or neverwhere.


Anonymous said...

I just finished reading Jack of Shadows. Rippin' good story. I'll have to check this one out.


Anonymous said...

i just finished reading "Politics the Wellstone Way." fantastic and gripping. if you'd like to change the world, i'd suggest this read.

sprocketplug said...

not so much "change" as "rule with a iron fist."

Anonymous said...

Peter! I think I may have already told you in conversation or in email- but I'm on number two of the Sandman books- I started them a couple o' weeks ago. I'm completely engrossed, I'm betting you'll love the Sandman, aka Morpheus just as much as I do. You should do him for Halloween. (And by "do" I mean ...well you know.) I have since been on the lookout for Neverwhere and Mirrormask though, fear not.
