Saturday, August 26, 2006

The onus of waiting

34 days 21 hours 49 minutes 06 seconds.
This is when the world will end.

Well, actually no, this is not Donnie Darko. This is the countdown to Qualifier 1. Many of you have heard of Q1 or at least of other departments prelims and the like. This is the test to end all tests. This is the test that will shade the color of my existence from here 'til kingdom come. I have been studying all summer and have become slightly burned out. My buddy, Tison, and I have taken most of this week off and it seems like an eternity. I can feel the formulas leaking from my head. I know that I need to get back on the horse, but I am so regretting this chore. May the gods of Statistics grant me serenity.


Anonymous said...

Good luck Peter! You'll do fine. If you forget anything, just think of the statistics rap.

Alex said...

Peter W. Q. Spranganator

I believe in you.
I believe it is not your destiny but your beast to slay.
It is not your worth to prove but your steel.
It is not a job, or a pat on the back or even bragging rights that you seek.
Yours is to risk greatly and throw down upon such a mental fortress the likes of which you had never seen nor will again.
Sit and you will be beaten.
Stand and you will overcome.
Tis' the season to do Christmas tree push-ups, Peter.

Pony up.

-Alex "Raw Eggs from a Glass" M.

Anonymous said...

sorry, pete, your professors called from the future and said that you failed the test as a courtesy call so you can focus on drinking more beer and less time on your apparent ill fated studies

Anonymous said...


Dude, if I can do it, so can you.

Don't let the Statistics Man get you down.