Thursday, July 20, 2006

born to be wild

Well, I finally went down to the BMV and took the skills test on my motorcycle. I passed and I now have a motorcycle endorsement on my license!!! For those of you who don't know about the process, all you have to do is pass a written test to get your motorcycle permit. This permit lasts one calendar year and has three restrictions
1) no riding at night
2) no riding with passengers
3) no riding on congested freeways

Having done all of these things anyway, I guess I'm not going to experience anything new, but darn if I don't feel great right now.

Another thing, I want to thank all my Minnesota friends for the amazing time I had last week.
Special props go out to:
Mr. & Mrs. Fast Eddie, Mr. & Mrs. Gubbins, Brother, and the incomparable Natalia (pictured below with yours truly)

Super profundo on the early eve of your day!


Anonymous said...

Sweet, Peter! Congrats!

Also, I'm so glad you called last night. It was wonderful to talk for a while.

Anonymous said...

congrats buddy! now you just need to pop some wheelies in celebration!

Anonymous said...

Dude, this means that you can legally reenact the power cycle race in Tron!!! You be Tron, I'll be Ram... dig?
