Thursday, July 06, 2006

Truth, Justice, and the American way.

So I've been watching a lot of superhero related material. Justice League of America, Superman Returns, Superman the Animated Series, etc... so I would like to ask all of you:

If you could be a new superhero what would you call yourself and what would be your superpower.

Example: I would be called Young Nasty Man and my power would be to kill a yak from 200 yards away with mind bullets (that's telekinesis, Andy).

Example: I would be called Gamma Man and my power would be to make any object I touch become invisible.

You can also describe how you attained your power.

Example: I accidently gargled nuclear waste mixed with baking soda.
Example: I was born caesarean section.
Example: The earth's yellow sun makes me invulnerable.
Example: I was born of the union of Zeus, king of gods, and an ill-tempered banana slug.


Anonymous said...

I would be called "The Time Bandit." I would be a midget with the ability to travel through space-time.

The reason I have this ability is because I stole a map from God.

Jessica said...

I AM Captain Sparkle. I know this because I've been addressed as Captain Sparkle innumerable times by my husband.

I'm not sure what my power is...I think it is yet to be discovered. Maybe it has to do with some super cool knitting know, some day something I knit will begin to sparkle magically and then transform itself into a flying carpet or something...

Anonymous said...

I too, don't have to "imagine" being a superhero... I am one, and have been one for *calculates momentarily* three years now.

I am part of a duo, actually- known on earth simply as "Printmaking Power". Some call us PP for short.

My partner (Prince Pajamas) and myself (Princess Puppy) roam the earth looking for good deeds that require astonishing printmaking skills. Thats our super power- dry point, aquatint, copper etching, woodcut, lino- you name it, we do it and we do it well.

I would sign this by name, but that would reveal my secret identity and I would be forced to duct tape you to a large piece of copper and dunk you in acid for many painful hours.

Alex said...

I would be called be called "Captian Planet" and I would fly around in rainbow colored spandex whenever some teenage drop-outs yelled the names of the 4 elements plus heart... except I would kick the heart girl off the team because she and her powers are useless. Instead I'd give a ring called "Spite" to Pete and he would smote his enemys with a brozed zucchini and then laugh heartily.


sprocketplug said...


But the kid with the heart ring was a boy. a sissy boy, but a boy nonetheless.

hook me up with that "spite" ring, my friend.

a&e said...

I'd be captain cynical.

whenever pete was feeling like the day was taking a turn for the better, i'd be there.
whenever pete did well on his masters exams, i'd be there.
whenever pete let loose a satisfying belch, i'd be there.
whenever pete decided his life was headed in the right direction, i'd be there.
whenever pete decided to take some "personal time" and reflect on his inner child, i'd be there.

with the effect of crushing pete's spirit faster than a speeding train, i'd be able bend the space time continuum around his body so time would actually speed up for a radius of 5 feet all around pete. then i'd be able to use my space-time-contiuum-pete-machine for running marathons. we'd be able to run them in record time but i would always finish by running in front of pete, so i would always be the winner and thus pete would always be second place, creating a spirit crushing cycle that would eventually allow me to rule the world.

a&e said...

just so you know, petey - i don't condone fast eddie's cynicalness and distruction of your ego. (he wanted me to write fragile evil give you an idea!). LOVED seeing you. miss you already. -erica

Anonymous said...

And the Masters of Divinity

I am Martin, Prince of Luthernia, and defender of the secrets of the Castle Wartburg. This is Ioan, my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day I held aloft my magic Catechism and said:

"By the power of home brew!"


“I have the power!”

Ioan became the Mighty Battlecat, and I became Lu-Thor, the most powerful reformer in the universe!

Only three others share this secret: Natalie the Sorceress, Jess-at-Arms, and Orko.

Together we defend Luthernia from the evil forces of Republator.


sprocketplug said...

that's freaking hi-larious.