Monday, March 06, 2006

What do Kurt Vonnegut and Mila Jovovich have in common?

It was pretty amazing to see the master (Kurt Vonnegut) in the flesh. It's difficult to describe him...or even what I thought of him. his oddly rhetorical and oftentimes flippant style of discourse was a little disconcerting. I feel like he didn't say anything of substance for the hour or so that he sat and chewed the proverbial fat.
He made more than few comments along the lines of "George Bush is really dumb." which made the crowd cheer wildly, but left me feeling a little cheated. I mean, that's hardly insightful and it certainly isn't constructive. When asked what we can do to make a difference he said, and I'm paraphrasing here, that it doesn't really matter since the end of the world is neigh. I'm not sure if he was being prosaic for some effect...but if so, it was lost on me. was good to see and hear him in person, but I think he may be reaching the end of his public appearance lifespan.

Also a bit disappointing was the movie Ultraviolet starring Mila Jovovich. Let me begin by explaining that there are few movies I have ever watched during which I repeatedly say to myself "Dear God, let this be over." And this is coming from the guy who thinks Starship Troopers was a brilliantly wrought film (I'm looking at you, Martinson). Ultraviolet was plagued with horrid characters, cheap and unsuccessful attempts at emotionality, and a palpable desperation to make the movie seem epic. To all moviemakers out there, please, PLEASE do not play gentle music and shoot soft focus close ups and assume we're going to be crying our eyes out...especially when in the last scene, our heroine shoves a broken samurai sword blade through a man's forehead (after killing nearly 100 of his closest friends). Also, this does NOT constitute good dialogue:

Bad Guy:
You got hemophage blood on me. Oh, it's on.

(10 to 30 second dramatic pause)

Mila Jovovich:
(10 to 30 second dramatic pause)
it is.

And this is one of more florid dialogues. It upsets me because virtually anyone, ANYONE, I know can write dialogue better than this. Stick Falconer, Nelson, and me in a room with nothing more than two 1 pound bags of skittles and a word processor and we're going to generate something that eclipses this garbage!


-The Plug


Ole said...

Two pounds of skittles? A word processor? The Three Amigos!?!?





Oh, its on.

a&e said...

two pounds of skittles. a case of cpt. morgan and a 24 pk of non diet cola. count me in. ¡viva los tres amigos!

its on.

Ole said...

And, and beer! Can there be beer?!

sprocketplug said...

let there be light

and let there always be beer.

a&e said...

"wine and beer!" name the quote. should be easy. at any rate, i have some access to some wine. i'll bring that.

Anonymous said...

pete, why no you call me?

sprocketplug said...

Dude, i love you. I'll call you soon.

Ole said...

And,and me! Call me, too! Just...cause...