Saturday, March 11, 2006

Consistently Sexy

Click on the image to get a larger version.

What you see before you is a display of the astonishing (yet true) mathematical statistical prowess of one Peter E. Spangers.

Love from Ohio,



Jessica said...

if I put that picture as my desktop background, will I become smarter, just by being exposed to it twenty-cajillion times a day?

Anonymous said...

Damn, that's hot.

Anonymous said...

i knew i could always count on you for a little plim action. That just became my new desktop!

Anonymous said...

i solved that in my sleep last night, wrote it down in my dream diary next to the cure for cancer and george bush but our cat accidentally flushed it down our toilet. que sara sara.

Anonymous said...

Yeah.... mmhmm. Yep.

sprocketplug said...

Thanks for all the comments. i'll let you know how the final goes.


Natalie said...

I think I'll put that on my desktop so I can be reminded of what I don't have to do this weekend... thanks for the pick-me-up!

Anonymous said...

Peter E. Spangers whose grasp upon spelling is a little more tenuous...