Friday, March 27, 2015


Plot holes:

1) Girl at the beginning. Why doesn't she run more? Too scared? Out of Gas? Why does she stop on the beach?

2) Dude1 has the clearest and most in depth understanding of the infection phenomenon. How does he know all of the details? He said he got it from a one night stand? Who was the girl in the beginning of the film? Maybe he has infected many girls and it keeps coming back to him after it kills them.
Goes on a date in a movie theater where his back will be to the door for the whole performance and it will be dark. This seems to be the worst strategy when followed by this entity.

He infects the girl then explains what it is. Why does he have to tie her up? Why can't he explain (perhaps remorsefully) or put her in a situation where they both can see the walker, but no one else can. Why doesn't he stay with her until she infects somewhere else?

Why would he just go back to his home town? If she can't transfer it and it kills her, it'll just come back after him...and he won't know if/when it's coming. that should drive him BANANAS. 

Suppose the thing can walk at a fairly good clip, say 3 miles per hour. Say it cannot take any other mode of transportation and always takes the most direct route to its victim. The kids take a car and drive for what appears to be some length of time, say, 6 hours. Let's say they average 50 miles per hour for 6 hours. That's 50mph *6h = 300 miles. The walker would take 300 miles/3mph =100 hours to reach them. That's 4 days. It seems to catch up much faster. Has anyone thought of taking a goddamn airplane? Let's say I fly to Stockholm, Sweden. that's about 4258.2 Miles. The walker is gonna take about 60 days to get there. Say you infected someone there, then it has to kill that person then walk all the way back. Boom. that's 4 months you just bought yourself. Now, the best thing would be to infect an airline pilot or a flight attendant. Shit, even a cruise boat captain. ASTRONAUT??? Walk to the International Space Station, MOTHERFUCKER!

But I digress...
Why did she infect the people on the boat? What good would that do? Did she feel any remorse for killing (indirectly) those people or that person?

Why did they think they could kill it with electrocution when a gaping bullet wound to the neck only slowed it for a second. Why did they think that electrocution thing would work. those looked like really heavy doors, did they think about trapping it down there? Would it show up on surveillance video? Only to the person infected? 

Ways to get everyone on your side/believing you.
1) Lead the walker through flour on the floor. Set up infrared cameras. Video tape the walker breaking shit. Show footage of you smacking the thing with something. Wrap it in a towel again or throw paint on it. 

It has to crawl through the gap in the door, it can't teleport. Lure it into a lockbox or cage.
Injuring it can stun it or stop it for a while, i.e. bullet to the head. Knock it out and drag it into a cage. Cover it in paint or flour so everyone can see it. 

What mechanism makes it selectively invisible? 

Sunday, March 08, 2015

Different Paths

While my best friend was helping usher his third son into the world, I was drinking vodka redbulls and singing Karaoke with 7 women.

Welcome to planet earth, Oliver Olaf Nelson, you were born into one of the best families for which you could have hoped. Your Crazy Uncle Peter will be your friend and ally from your first day to my last. where did I put that advil?