Wednesday, September 01, 2010

How I Met Josh Radnor

I know I've broken the blogging world record by posting twice in three days, but try to keep up.

Josh Radnor, star of the hit television series "How I Met Your Mother" (take a minute to chuckle at the title of this post) was in Bexley Ohio tonight to premiere his new movie HappyThankYouMorePlease. Mr. Radnor, a native of Bexley returned to the theater he used to visit as a child. During his speech before the movie he said "I wouldn't be making movies if it weren't for this theater." All in all he seems like a really nice guy and, perhaps surprisingly, very much like Ted Mosby, the character he plays in How I Met Your Mother (don't chuckle again, that's just condescending). So where do I fit in amongst the rich and powerful patrons who attended this showing? Well, it just so happens that my girlfriend is the Director of the Bexley Public Library. And it just so happens that the president of the library board is Alan Radnor, Josh Randor's father. So girlfriend and I attend the premiere (spoiler alert: the movie is freaking awesome), then we go to the afterparty. We see Josh Radnor talking to people, laughing, hugging, and being an all around nice guy.
Let me pause here to say that apart from a brief wave from Robert Guillaume when I was very very little, I have never met a famous person. So girlfriend and I were waiting to met Josh Radnor and I'm getting nervous. My heart is pounding and I'm thinking of what I should say and then girlfriend walks up to him and shakes his hand. The music is loud so Josh Radnor bends over to catch her name. She tells him her name and he says "Oh yes! I've heard a lot of great things about you." This hot-shot up and coming star of television and film has heard great things about my girlfriend. It's true, she's a rockstar.
They chat a little bit and then he looks over at me. Extends his hand and says "Hi, I'm Josh." So simple, so kind and unpretentious. I smile and shake his hand.

And that is how I met Josh Radnor. If you haven't seen his tv show, you owe it to yourself. It plays pitch perfectly to my (and probably your) generation, plus Alyson Hannigan is hot. The movie HappyThankYouMorePlease will be in theaters in February.

Sprocketplug Out


Alli said...

AAAwwesooome (said in Barney voice) :) Austin and I are huuge fans of HIMYM, so I'm quite jealous of course!

I think our only show higher up than that one is Big Bang Theory, so if you ever meet Jim Parsons we'd be even more jealous of you. :)

fast eddie said...

yeah, well, i've met obama, so you can all just eat it.

there. i dropped the obama trump card. game over.

(i'm entering myself into anger management class tomorrow).

M. Sheldon said...

So cool! I confess to being jealous. I have no trump card, Obama or otherwise... Well, I met Anne Lamott and Michelle Norris, but I'm not sure if they trump a HIMYM star. Either way: so cool!