Thursday, June 11, 2009

it gives you insomnia™

So it's finals week. That means a few things. It means I have to endure the begging and pleading of students: "But I'm only 15% away from an A, can't you do something?"
It means I have to grade hundreds of pages of exams.
It means I drink Red Bull.
It means that after I'm done grading at 12:00am, the residual caffeine in my blood keeps sleep just outside my grasp.
It means that as I write this I am semi-conscious and I am listening to Ingrid Michaelson's The Chain, a beautifully mellow song that ends in a lovely round:

So glide away on soapy heels
And promise not to promise anymore
And if you come around again
Then I will take, then I will take the chain from off the door

Plan for the summer:

1) Workout (for reals this time)
2) Learn French (a lá Rosetta Stone)
3) Play my newly bought (but not yet received) Rock Band 2
4) Film a movie following students about to take the Statistics Qualifier Exam

So the question is: What should I name my Rock Band? Here's the shortlist:

Rachel and the Lady Killers
The Stoic Unicorns
The OCD Elves
James Taylor Overdrive
Civil Hands
One Man Down
Challengers of Change
Aphrodite's Itch
Temporal Fugue
Inebriated Koala
The Sprangettes
Madrak and the Holy Rollers
P and the Values
Starbuck and the Vipers
Circular Logic

What would you call YOUR band?


pech said...

my band? clearly, Fast Eddie and the Pechos. though, it wouldn't be capitalized. i only did so so it would stand out in the above text.

dude, when you coming to MN? i know around the 4th, but specifics, man. and bring some beer.

pecho out.

Ole said...

Hulga and the Good Country People

erica said...

I definitely put a vote in for "Inebriated Koalas" - they are stoned all the time and it's just sorta funny that they fall out of trees. (note: i do love the Koala bears and wish them no harm!)