Friday, May 22, 2009

blogger ennui

So, I've been thinking about this blog quite a bit recently. I don't really know what I should do with it. I feel like I want to post more. Lord knows I can wax whimsical with the best of them...but I don't really know where to go.
I've thought about several things:

1. reviewing video games i've been playing
2. reviewing girlfriends that i've been sleeping with
3. talk about my life as an educator
4. discuss, in depth, the relative usefulness of foam vs. gel shaving cream
5. make fun of fast eddie

one idea that will come to fruition is this: for my birthday, which was last week sometime, Fast Eddie and wife gifted me a year subscription to Parents Magazine. On the usefulness scale, this gift ranks somewhere between partially chewed pen cap and 100mL of lukewarm hamster vomit. Not that the sentiment wasn't appreciated.
I've received the latest issue as well as two back issues and all I can think about is how I can defile it. you know, cut and paste ransom letters, mix and match pictures that imply vile and disgusting things.

Just thought I'd muse aloud (so to write) a little.



erica said...

Fantastic! :) Again, it was all Fast Eddie's idea, that's all I can say. And, I do like your last idea of what to write about on your blog. ;) Miss you!

Unknown said...

your blogging priorities should be as follows:

1. reviewing Parents magazine. tell us when toddlers should be speaking full sentences and how long they should breastfeed.
2. reviewing My Bloody Valentine 3D
3. not reviewing girlfriends you've been sleeping with. the cameras i have are disturbing enough.
4. your life and times as an educator are fantastic, keep it up. no joke.
5. making fun of fast eddie is always a win/win. though you should really spend more time watching the happening. best movie ever.
6. killing me softly with his kiss, killing me softly . . .
7. striking #6 from the record
8. clearly shaving gel wins, so case closed.
9. trying to turn #4 into a joke
10. start over with #1.

p.s. if you want to increase your viewership, you gotta get yourself some kids. seriously. biologically, or like madonna, however you do it, everyone from obsessive grandparents to distant friends and relatives will check up. you can insert subliminal messages to they buy the child things so you don't have to (read backward, that says "buy elsie a year's worth of organic whole milk") it's really remarkable what you can do with a blog devoted to your offspring.