Thursday, January 15, 2009

So say we all.

Dudes and Dudettes,
Well, it's time for my biannual blog. Since last I wrote I've been to a party celebrating the 75th anniversary of the repeal of prohibition. I've been to California, to Boston, and to Florida. I ended Fall quarter and started Winter quarter. I designed a time-travel device only to have my future self travel back and destroy it before its first run. I have loved, lost, and played a crap load of Left 4 Dead on the Xbox 360. Corporations have crumbled, economies have tumbled, and Solstice has passed. I learned the true meaning of christmas only to have woodland nymphs (dryads) steal the memories from me (or so I was told).

I bought a new phone, a new TV, and a new spleen. I think Graham Crackers are underrated. I spent 15 minutes watching Dr. Phil simply because the HD picture was so amazing. I'm looking forward to Joss Whedon's new show Dollhouse, I am looking forward to the X-Men: Wolverine movie. I am looking forward to playing Fallout 3.

here are some photos.

P.S. I love Starbuck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Starbuck rocks my world!