Saturday, November 08, 2008

updates abound

Well I haven't written anything substantive in the past month or so, but much has been happening in the life of The Sprocketplug.

1) I have a new girlfriend. The Fighting Librarian
She's cooler than a slap bracelet and hotter than princess Leia in a metallic bikini.

2) I broke my foot (pictured below). It's been three weeks and I no longer need the crutches, but it still hurts, forcing me to walk not unlike the living dead.

3) I bought an Xbox 360 which, indirectly, lead to the breaking of my foot.

4) I made the most kick ass halloween costume of my life.

So you can't really see the whole thing but I got
a) Leather holster
b) replica .36 calibur pistol
c) lambskin vest
d) leather cowboy boots with spurs
e) little cigars

et alius, making me look like Clint Eastwood in his "man with no name" series. It was so fun. We went to high street and i hobbled around with my cowboy boot on one foot and my walking cast on the other. Two vicodin and a vodka martini later I was having the time of my life. hot girlfriend on my arm, surrounded by costumes of every sort, 'twas a night to remember. I was in a little pain for the next two days due to the fact that I wasn't supposed to be walking without crutches, but it was well worth it.

5) I got Barack Obama elected by giving him Ohio.

No thanks necessary, I was just doing my job to keep the world safe. Plus, I owed it to you guys after the 2004 election.

I hope you all are well!!!



Anonymous said...

i didn't know you broke your foot or had a girlfriend. congrats on both. well, by both i mean congrats on one, not the other. you can choose which gets which.

and thank you for ohio. i still blamed you for that but you are now forgiven.

and nice costume. i went as a guy trying to win MN for franken and obama. 1 down, 1 to go.

M. Sheldon said...

When ever I hear Jed Bartlet speak in Latin on "The West Wing," I think of you. Crazy men who speak Latin....

The Fighting Librarian said...

Cooler than a slap bracelet?? I am beyond honored.

And you forgot to mention that your broken foot gave you a most excellent Clint Eastwood saunter. You can't buy that kind of accuracy.