Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The Happening On BluRay

With the DVD and Blu-Ray releases of M. Night Shyamalan's "The Happening," I feel it my duty to once again implore you to avoid this film in any and all of its nefarious forms.
Even if you are given a free copy of this film by a beloved friend or relative, I beg of you, do not watch it. If you are captured by a band of marauding pirates and given the choice between walking the plank and watching the DVD with director's commentary, I urge you to seriously contemplate your decision.

I wish you all a wonderful day.


Saturday, October 04, 2008

Doing manly things.

So, I brought my shotgun back to Ohio with me and I decided it was time to give her a thorough cleaning. Since I had never done such a thing I went out to a Gander Mountain and bought the necessary supplies. Next was finding the owners manual for my Mossberg 500-A online and reading how to dis- and then reassemble my firearm.



Oh shit, I didn't mean to disassemble the safety:

after about 3 hours and a dozen websites detailing the assembly of the safety mechanism:

Complete! Now who's ready for the Zombie Apocalypse?