Saturday, October 04, 2008

Doing manly things.

So, I brought my shotgun back to Ohio with me and I decided it was time to give her a thorough cleaning. Since I had never done such a thing I went out to a Gander Mountain and bought the necessary supplies. Next was finding the owners manual for my Mossberg 500-A online and reading how to dis- and then reassemble my firearm.



Oh shit, I didn't mean to disassemble the safety:

after about 3 hours and a dozen websites detailing the assembly of the safety mechanism:

Complete! Now who's ready for the Zombie Apocalypse?

1 comment:

M. Sheldon said...

Call me crazy, but the "after" shot has three items in it, whereas the "before" only has one. Of those three, two are visible in the "during" shot of the unassembled gun. Doesn't that seem, well, disfunctional?