Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My trip to target...

On my last trip to Target, I purchased the following items:

Walkie Talkie (14 mile max. range) x2
Antibiotic Cream
Eggs (2 dozen)
Chocolate Syrup
Hot Fudge
Hydrogen Peroxide
Emergency Poncho (x2)

can anyone guess what I'll be up to tomorrow?


Anonymous said...

Clearly, you're doing some intensive training (likely with a friend, explaining the walkie talkies) to egg and/or chocolate bomb your enemies' cars.

Anonymous said...

Oooooooobviously you were having sexual intercourse with a gila monster and then making a sundae with clint eastwood. The double poncho was a dead give away, kid.

Anonymous said...

i think you are finally headed to tiajuana for those male prostitutes you keep talking about