Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Happening by M. Night Shyamalan

It sucks. Don't see it. Enough said.



Anonymous said...

can i netflix it?

sprocketplug said...

The Happening is about as entertaining as a luke-warm bucket of hamster vomit. IMHO it's not even worth a rental. If someone happens to break into your house, puts the DVD into your player, and you are struck paralyzed from the waist down for two hours, then, and only then, would this movie be a viable alternative to, say, counting the pieces of lint on the sofa. 

Anonymous said...

i see. should i instead have M. Night Shyamalan come over to our house and mime the movie for me instead?

sprocketplug said...

I really don't think you're understanding the intention of this post. I would like you to have nothing to do with the movie. Don't have M. Night mime the movie for you. Don't have your wife reenact the movie using sock puppets, don't read the novelization of the film, don't even read a plot synopsis on Avoid the movie in totality. Have I made myself clear?

Anonymous said...

ahhhh, i get it. so tomorrow if i win tickets on the radio in a call in contest, it would be best to go see it between the hours of 5 and 9 p.m. on thursday at the mall of america?

sprocketplug said...

Exactly. *mutters curses under his breath*

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

I knew we'd eventually get on the same page, meet eye to eye, and work in concert on this topic. tell ya what, for all your hard work helping me understand this, when you come back up, we'll have a "The Happening by M. Night Shyamalan" marathon where we'll watch it non stop eating skittles and drinking copious amounts of sugared, caffeinated pop as long as we can stay alive