Monday, January 28, 2008 are they thinking?

Village Voice
New York city to criminalize possession of pollution detectors, Geiger counters, etc...

So, let's take this to the next level. Everyone needs to carry a permit in order to call 911. If you don't have a permit and you call 911, you'll be charged with inciting panic and severely prosecuted.

I for one, don't think that this: Cell phone detectors is such a bad idea.

What else should we outlaw so that people have the illusion of security?


Anonymous said...

let's outlaw cars, planes, bikes, motorcycles, donkeys . . . anything that is a mode of transportation. do you know how many people die traveling every day? banning traveling devices would save a lot of death. additionally, the 9/11 terrorists traveled. think about it.

Anonymous said...

You know what else the terrorists do? Eat food. Think about it: They ate food EVERY DAY. And all those people dying of heart disease, diabetes, hypertension... They eat food, too! Usually in large quantities! I think our action is clear.

If you eat, the terrorists win.

Unknown said...

marni, brilliant. and with all those people driving to stores to buy the food they eventually eat. dude, it's clear what we must do.

Anonymous said...

On a related note, check out this Christopher Hitchens article on self-censorship by the print media:

Very thought-provoking.