Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Why do I get up in the morning...

A question that I've heard on lot in job interviews is the title of this blog: What gets you up in the morning? It's an interesting question with a variety of interpretations. As I've thought more about this, my answer would have to be: Irony. I truly love those moments of irony, moments of poetic justice, moments that make you say "noooooooo, seriously?"

Example 1: Three years ago Professor Blackwell, longtime businessman and entrepreneur, was indicted for insider trading (among other things). In order to testify he had to get a substitute teacher to lecture his business ethics class.

Example 2: In high school, Johnson's American Lit class. There was some discussion about the differences between men and women and...let's call her Betty...Betty raises her hand and says "Boys always generalize."

Example 3: This morning, I get a new pair of scissors from the department supply closet. However, the tag is attached to one of the loops in the handle. Attached with thick cardboard bound to itself with a big brass button. The cardboard is so thick that I cannot tear, pry, gnaw or bribe it off. That's right, in order to remove this tag I would need...a pair of scissors. Ahhh lovely.

Tell me some of the great ironies you've experienced recently and we shall revel in the beauty.


Kate said...

hahahha...that was a good laugh...thanks Peter.

Anonymous said...

two days ago we brought a life into the world. tomorrow, to fulfill a bet i lost a decade ago as to whether or not i would ever bring a life into the world, i have to ship off this new life to you where you will undoubtedly squander this most precious of gifts . . .