Monday, May 14, 2007

In good company

What's so special about May 14th?
It's not just my birthday, it's also the birthday of George lucas, the anniversary of the founding of Jamestown Colony, the anniversary of the first human test of the smallpox vaccine, and the day that Lewis and Clark began their now famous expedition across the American frontier.

Huzzah! A happy day indeed.



Alex said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY PETER!! Hope you do something special to celebrate :-)

Katie, Alex and Abbie

Anonymous said...

or someone?

Anonymous said...

I love the Wikipedia "on this day" feature. So sweet.

Hope you had a great day!

Anonymous said...

Uuum...Peter? This is really uncomfortable for me to mention...but I feel as though I have to bring it up. You um.... you forgot to mention that your birthday also falls two days in front MY birthday... so, alright... there it is. Everyone feel better? I know I do.

Happy Birthday Peter. Did you get my pic from California!? *hug*
