Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Admitting Defeat....

I would like to admit defeat.

The windows operating system has finally won in the international market. I just read that Microsoft has just sold it's 244th copy of Windows vista in China. That's right, two weeks after it's release, the 1.3 billion people living in China have shown their unwavering support of the Vista platform. At this rate, we expect Windows vista to sell over THREE HUNDRED copies by next week. That's about 1 copy of Vista for every 4.3 million people.

Well done, Microsoft........well done.



Thursday, April 12, 2007

Kurt Vonnegut, in memoriam.

Kurt Vonnegut passed away early this morning. He was a tremendously gifted and prolific author. If you haven't read him, you should consider yourself a horrible, horrible person. Check out Slaughterhouse Five, God Bless You Mrs. Rosewater, or Sirens of Titan.



Thursday, April 05, 2007


Spring break was fantastic. The best part was seeing my family. Brother pictured below.

Brother, Dad, and Stepmom pictured below.

Also, I have been reading Far From the Madding Crowd, by Thomas Hardy. It's simply brilliant. It's not the quickest read, mostly because Hardy describes all his scenes with indelible scrutiny...and usually in an altogether novel way. It's a story about unrequited love, passion, and the social mores that keep us in a state of constant frustration. I'm not finished, but I would recommend it without hesitation.