Friday, March 16, 2007

words words words....


There is snow outside.
Yesterday it was finally 65 degrees and today
there is snow outside. This is
Winter's little trick. The day
before was a chunk of meat
atop a benign looking pile of
leaves. We, starving, ran up to
feast and THWWWIP, the trap
springs and we're left hanging
upside down. Winter jumps
out from behind a tree and
laughs and
Our faces turn red,
but it is not from embarrassment,
for who can judge a starving man?

And so I watch the snow fall
my face so close to the window I
can feel the cold radiating from
the glass.
But that's not right, is it?
Mr. Wolters taught us that heat and
energy are equivalent.
Heat is energy, energy is heat
and that energy travels from
a source to a sink.
Energy flows from higher concentrations
to lower concentrations.
So the cold doesn't radiate to my face-
the heat of my face leaves me for the window.

the lovely energy in my flesh, so eager to
join in the cosmic dance of entropy.

And so death,
the ultimate void,
the ultimate cold,
must, by definition, not come for us.
We must go to death.
We must kindly stop for him.
We must release our hold on this
magnificently ordered body and
join the vast, unselfish, unwanting darkness.


Anonymous said...

i like the poem, you egg.

hey, we finally just watched the namesake of your blog, "eternal sunshine of the spotless mind" and it reminded me to say sorry for erasing your memory of having created the cure to all cancer, disease, and lactose intolerance at the same time with a single pill, only to lose the cure in a bet at the race track. "no horse #9," they said? all the better payoff when he comes in first, i say!! just wait, my payoff is due. anyway, i owe you.

Alex said...

Beautiful. And the truth shall set us free...


Anonymous said...

sorry about the ohio state the ohio state basketball team. i know how much you loves the b-ball.