Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Late breaking news...

So here's what's happening in my life:

1. I broke up with Melanie.

2. I was offered a full time lecturing position with the Ohio State University Statistics Department.

I have thought long and hard about it and I've decided to take the job. I can work full time and take classes casually to work towards my Ph.D. I really like the faculty at OSU and they seem to like me. It is virtually unprecidented for someone with "only" a masters degree to be offered a full time lecturing position, so I am extremely honored by their high consideration of me.

I know that I told most of you I was going to move back to Minnesota, but this opportunity is too good to pass up. As a small consolation, I'll be able to afford more trips back.
You all are, of course, always welcome to come visit me.

So that's that.


Anonymous said...

Congrats Peter. That is really awesome. I guess my OSU mob connections have more pull than I thought to keep you in my backyard.

erica said...

Petey - I'm proud of you and really happy for you. This sounds like a fantastic opportunity for you! We will miss you back in MN, but your visits are always welcome! And, who knows, maybe we'll make it out to the great ol' Ohio sometime soon to see you! Miss you and love you always!

Ole said...


Oh, Peter!
Oh, Peter.


What a tremendous opportunity!
What a depressing state of affairs.

I'm proud and very happy for you!
I'm really sad.

You're going to make an excellent
OSU teacher!
I'd rather have you in MN.

Love you, brother!
Love you, brother!


Seriously, this is really great, Pete. Congratulations on this. It is apparent, though, that I absolutely HAVE to start playing WoW. There's no way around it!

Anonymous said...

to go along with ole,

my two minds:

f*cking petey . . . hate world, revenge soon . . .

this is truley amazing, osu has obviously made an unbelievable choice!!
i will forever mock the "the" whenever any pro-football player introduces themselves as from "the" ohio state universtiy.

ohio is lucky to have you.
ohio shmohio.

teaching is one of the most noble professions.
i could get you a sweet job as an unpaid MN CD 2 intern with the DNC. i can promise you might get to meet nancy pelosi . . .

you will make an excellent osu prof.
i would also rather have you in MN.

love you, brother!
love you, brother!


Anonymous said...

Erik told me about this last night, and I'm totally excited! Congratulations on the awesome gig, and SO EXCITED that you'll still be close.

Alex said...

Congrats for sure Pedro. I bet you're an excellent lecturer. Plus we need more Dems in Ohio... well... MN too for that matter.

Did anybody catch Ole's comment about playing WoW? Somebody send that kid a trial account!


Ole said...


Saw this on the magical internets, seemed up your alley: