Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Late breaking news...

So here's what's happening in my life:

1. I broke up with Melanie.

2. I was offered a full time lecturing position with the Ohio State University Statistics Department.

I have thought long and hard about it and I've decided to take the job. I can work full time and take classes casually to work towards my Ph.D. I really like the faculty at OSU and they seem to like me. It is virtually unprecidented for someone with "only" a masters degree to be offered a full time lecturing position, so I am extremely honored by their high consideration of me.

I know that I told most of you I was going to move back to Minnesota, but this opportunity is too good to pass up. As a small consolation, I'll be able to afford more trips back.
You all are, of course, always welcome to come visit me.

So that's that.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Good Night, And Good Luck.

I just finished watching Good Night, And Good Luck. I saw it in the theater as well, and after this viewing I was as moved as the first time.
I was moved by the eloquence and integrity of Mr. Murrow. I was moved by the strength and resolve of his team and by the bravery shown by all involved. I turned off the film and thought about the media of the 21st century. I thought of organizations like Fox News whose slogan "We report, you decide." is as bitter as it is ironic. I thought of all those persecuted by tyrants who try to make synonymous the words "dissenting" and "disloyal." Lastly, I thought of our current administration whose foreign and domestic policy seems to be based on a teleological suspension of the ethical. Watching a simple press conference leaves me stultified, pondering how lies can be told so audaciously, doublespeak used so frequently, and fear harnessed so effectively that we, the american public, applaud and approve of our own subjugation.
But the message of the film was not despair. It was, in fact, hope. Hope that even one who is attacked from on high has the right and ability to defend himself. That those who brandish their authority are not indisputable and not immune to the power of reason. Those who use deception and misinformation as weapons will ultimately find themselves impotent against the avatars of truth.